Weight management feature enhances SafeGuardRx® for Cigna Program

Obesity in America was a pervasive issue even before COVID-19 took hold. However, the pandemic lifestyle of staying home more and moving around less, has meant weight gain for many. A survey of several thousand people by the American Psychological Association (APA) showed that 42 percent reported gaining weight during the pandemic – an average of 29 pounds.1

Encouragingly, weight-loss medications have become more effective. Along with counseling and digital tools, support is available wherever and whenever people are ready to embrace them. For clients, this can mean a healthier, more productive workforce and help to prevent the progression of chronic conditions among their members.2

To offer further support for our customers who struggle with weight gain, SafeGuardRx for Cigna – a program that helps drive down client costs for many complex, costly conditions – will include a weight management program, effective April 1, 2022.

Client eligibility for the SafeGuardRx for Cigna Weight Management Program is vast, but some exceptions apply.
The SafeGuardRx for Cigna Weight Management Program automatically applies to all Cigna pharmacy commercial clients that have elected or purchased weight loss coverage/buy-up coverage (for diet drugs & anti-obesity). These clients are automatically enrolled – with no additional action or cost to clients required. Exceptions may apply to pharmacy clients in standalone plans.

The SafeGuardRx for Cigna Weight Management Program supports customers who may be eligible according to these considerations:

  • New to therapy – Customers who recently filled a prescription for the weight-loss drug Wegovy or Saxenda receive a letter focusing on the importance of adherence and encouraging them to call our clinicians to discuss any questions they may have.
  • Have not refilled – Customers who have not refilled their current prescription for Wegovy or Saxenda within the past 45 days are contacted by phone and letter to educate on the importance of adherence and to discuss any questions they may have.
  • Stopped use (starting Fall 2022) – Customers who stopped using a prescription weight-loss drug (other than Wegovy) during the 12- to 18-month period prior to the Weight Management program start-date. For these customers, we perform a proactive clinical assessment to determine if they are eligible to access MDLIVE – Cigna's virtual care provider – that offers 24/7 online, live physician interactions and prescription support. Qualified customers can also benefit from personalized coaching. Qualified integrated customers have access to healthy eating, exercise and nutrition resources via My Health Assistant on myCigna.com®.

Learn more

  1. Weir, Kirsten. The extra weight of COVID-19. American Psychological Association. apa.org. 1 July, 2021. <https://www.apa.org/monitor/2021/07/extra-weight-covid>. Accessed January 26, 2022.
  2. Chambers, Daniel, and Vp. “Fighting the Obesity Epidemic Calls for a Multifaceted Approach.” Evernorth, 21 July 2021. <https://www.evernorth.com/articles/combatting-the-obesity-epidemic>.

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