Shingles vaccine coverage helps customers prepare for prevention

The itchy memories of a bout with chicken pox will fade, but the virus that causes it lingers on. Later in life, that same virus can manifest again as shingles – a painful rash with blisters that can lead to long-term nerve pain. Anyone age 50 or older who suffered from chicken pox previously is at higher risk.1 In fact, 1 in 3 people in the U.S. will get shingles during their lifetime.1 Fortunately, there’s a highly effective vaccine available and it’s covered by Cigna pharmacy plans.

The shingles vaccine is easily accessible.
The shingles vaccine is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and more than 90% effective.1 Individuals can get the shingles vaccine at their local, in-network retail pharmacy. To find a pharmacy, customers can log in to the myCigna® App or and choose the Find Care & Costs tab. Then click on Health Facilities and select Pharmacy from the dropdown menu to start searching. There’s no need for an appointment. Customers can simply stop in and ask to get the vaccine any time.

The shingles vaccine is:

  • Meant for everyone at risk – even those who’ve already had shingles – It’s possible to get shingles more than once.1
  • Given in two doses – Two doses are necessary for full protection. The second dose is given two to six months after the first.1
  • Okay to take with a flu shot – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention affirm it’s okay to get the shingles and flu vaccines at the same time.2

Cigna Pharmacy plans include coverage for the shingles vaccine.
The vaccine may even be available at no cost share ($0) under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).3

A recent study of Cigna customers who received their shingles vaccine at in-network pharmacies also demonstrated:4

  • Significantly reduced shingles infection rates – 600 -700% lower
  • Lower vaccine costs, on average
  • An increased completion rate, overall, for the two-dose series
  1. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website, Fact sheet: Get the new shingles vaccine if you are 50 or older. Page last reviewed: July 2, 2019.
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Frequently Asked Questions About Shingrix.” Page last reviewed: August 4, 2021.
  3. Not all pharmacy plans cover vaccines in the same way. Log into the myCigna App or, or check your plan materials, to find out how your specific plan covers them. The shingles vaccine is also available through your doctor’s office under the Cigna medical benefit. If you choose this option, please call your doctor’s office to schedule an appointment. You’ll pay your medical plan’s cost-share to get the vaccine.
  4. Shingles Vaccine Utilization, Site of Service, Outcomes. Cigna study. Dec. 2021.

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