With health care costs on the rise, it is expected that employers are regularly looking for ways to lower their budgets without diminishing the quality of their benefits.
At Cigna, we believe performance guarantees are a critical component of holding pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) financially accountable for improving performance on select measures. And with the right performance guarantees, employers can have more predictability around the financial impact of their total health care costs, as well as the quality of service and outcomes their employees experience.
Effective January 1, 2021, we raised the bar once again with a new set of pharmacy performance guarantees, targeting the most costly conditions, and reinforcing our position that truly integrated benefits drive improved health engagement, outcomes and savings.
Our new set of pharmacy performance guarantees are based on the complex, prevalent conditions that contribute most disproportionately to our clients’ overall health care costs. By focusing on diabetes, cardiovascular, cholesterol, and gaps in care, we strive to improve medication adherence, credit clients for ineffective medications, close treatment gaps, and move the needle on overall outcomes.
While many PBMs take an approach of offering individual performance guarantees, which is highly complex and time consuming, Cigna has simplified our performance guarantee offering by providing one simple package. Additionally, Cigna has removed traditional caveat language for increased transparency and clarity.
Watch this interview with Margaux Currie, Clinical Pharmacy Product Director, who provides more background and details on our new guarantees.
And contact your Cigna representative to learn more about which performance guarantee package is right for you.
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