The advantages of a 90-day prescription fill go far beyond just convenience alone. In a recent study of more than 580,000 Cigna integrated customers, results showed that clients who adopt an exclusive 90-day benefit see higher overall medical plan savings.
Obesity in America is a pervasive issue. To help support our customers who struggle with weight gain, SafeGuardRx for Cigna – a program that helps drive down client costs for many complex, costly conditions – will include a weight management program, effective April 1, 2022.
Specialty spend continues to grow at a rapid pace. At Cigna, we push back on this trend. We educate customers about available third-party financial assistance and then help them use these programs.
Information drives decisions. We understand that more complete data allows for more thoughtful decision-making. Our integrated data creates a steady stream of data points that we boil down to digestible reports to share with our clients.
We are all familiar with the substantial financial impact treating Specialty conditions can have on total healthcare budgets. When you have integrated medical and pharmacy with Cigna, we have a broad suite of solutions in place that aim to control Specialty drug costs, utilization, and site of care. These solutions all work together to manage trend and help bring down total spend.
At Cigna, our ability to connect insights helps paint a picture about an individual’s health. When we fit together our broad collection of data points, we can spot irregularities. We can identify possible fraud, hone in on wasteful prescribing, and determine risk for medication misuse or abuse. We can then intervene and advocate for our customers’ best health.
Use of virtual care continues to soar. Cigna's virtual care provider, MDLIVE, responds with dependable providers and care solutions that meet customers where they are.
The impact of COVID-19 has continued to accelerate health care innovation and reshape the industry in 2021. With the first month of the New Year behind us, we continue to keep a close eye on key trends which are expected to influence the health care landscape in 2022 and beyond. Let’s take a look at a few.
The U.S. drug pipeline is not just an indication of future life-changing and saving medications, but it’s also an indication of future health care costs. Cigna always has a pulse on the latest updates to the drug pipeline, as well as impending patent expirations. Take a look at our drug pipeline review that includes traditional and specialty pipeline news.
As a Pharmacy Benefits Manager within a global health service company, we uniquely deliver personalized solutions that support the whole person. Through integrated capabilities, we address every aspect of our customers’ wellness, including physical and emotional health. Our goal is to deliver greater value to you and your employees, helping them improve their well-being while you control your costs.
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All Cigna products and service are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, (CHLIC), Evernorth Care Solutions, Inc., Evernorth Behavioral Health, Inc., Cigna Health Management, Inc., Evernorth, Accredo Health Group, Inc., Express Scripts, Inc., ESI Mail Pharmacy Service, Inc., Express Scripts Pharmacy, Inc., Tel-Drug, Inc., Tel-Drug of Pennsylvania, L.L.C., Lynnfield Drug, Inc., and HMO or service company subsidiaries of Cigna Health Corporation. Policy forms: OK - HP-APP-1 et al., OR - HP-POL38 02-13, TN - HP-POL43/HC-CER1V1 et al. (CHLIC). The Cigna name, logo, and other Cigna marks are trademarks of Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc. "Express Scripts" is a trademark of Express Scripts Strategic Development, Inc. This newsletter is not intended for residents of New Mexico.
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